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96 Results found for federalist papers

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Government programs such as welfare and other social means-tested programs characterize very well the government's general policy towards poverty: Make individuals "comfortable" in their poverty rather than incentivize them to become self-sufficient.
Government programs such as welfare and other social means-tested programs characterize very well the government's general policy towards poverty: Make individuals "comfortable" in their poverty rather than incentivize them to become self-sufficient.
The United States is a constitutional republic. It is not a democracy, as most people believe.
The federal courts have become political, rather apolitical, which is what they were intended to be.
The federal courts have become political, rather apolitical, which is what they were intended to be.
Temperatures in North Carolina may not yet have reached their high point this summer, but tensions certainly are heating up now between the UNC School of Law and the North Carolina General Assembly over the latter's proposed budget
Temperatures in North Carolina may not yet have reached their high point this summer, but tensions certainly are heating up now between the UNC School of Law and the North Carolina General Assembly over the latter's proposed budget
Patrick Henry to the Virginia Convention to Ratify the US Constitution, in June 1788: "The great object is that every man be armed."
George Washington once warned: "If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."
George Washington once warned: "If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."
It's such an integral part of the Constitution, adopted during the earliest years of government under that document, that few people ponder the prospect of a constitution without a Bill of Rights
It's such an integral part of the Constitution, adopted during the earliest years of government under that document, that few people ponder the prospect of a constitution without a Bill of Rights
It has been suggested that the expansion of free market think tanks on our college campuses is educationally harmful.
Despite the 4th Circuit decision striking down the NC Voter ID law, there are options that our Governor, Pat McCrory, and our state legislature can take to provide reasonable and common-sense measures at polling places next month.
Despite the 4th Circuit decision striking down the NC Voter ID law, there are options that our Governor, Pat McCrory, and our state legislature can take to provide reasonable and common-sense measures at polling places next month.
This short article is intended to alert the reader to the importance of the Tenth Amendment and hopefully inspire him or her to join the Tenth Amendment Movement and help bring government power back to the States
This short article is intended to alert the reader to the importance of the Tenth Amendment and hopefully inspire him or her to join the Tenth Amendment Movement and help bring government power back to the States
The States, acting voluntarily and in convention, entered into the Union by adopting a social compact, the US Constitution. The features of a compact provide great protection for American liberty.
The States, acting voluntarily and in convention, entered into the Union by adopting a social compact, the US Constitution. The features of a compact provide great protection for American liberty.
The humanities may not be dead, but they are certainly moribund on many college campuses. Once the crown jewels of higher education, now they are valued about as much as knockoffs at a pawn shop
The humanities may not be dead, but they are certainly moribund on many college campuses. Once the crown jewels of higher education, now they are valued about as much as knockoffs at a pawn shop
The Founding Fathers might have been unable to create the foundations of a new American nation had they operated in today's climate of federal government harassment and intrusion into citizen privacy, a constitutional lawyer says
The Founding Fathers might have been unable to create the foundations of a new American nation had they operated in today's climate of federal government harassment and intrusion into citizen privacy, a constitutional lawyer says
Our Founding Fathers remind us that that the Constitution was subordinate to the Principles and Rights enshrined in our Declaration of Independence. The Individual trumps government.
Our Founding Fathers remind us that that the Constitution was subordinate to the Principles and Rights enshrined in our Declaration of Independence. The Individual trumps government.
Diane Rufino proposes a solution to the Social Security problem, by asking Congress to legislatively define SS as a property right
Diane Rufino proposes a solution to the Social Security problem, by asking Congress to legislatively define SS as a property right
As I am sure you know, Carolina Journal is the monthly newspaper of the John Locke Foundation. Formed in 1990, the organization is named after the great English political philosopher who penned the Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina in 1669 and the English Bill of Rights 20 years later.
As I am sure you know, Carolina Journal is the monthly newspaper of the John Locke Foundation. Formed in 1990, the organization is named after the great English political philosopher who penned the Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina in 1669 and the English Bill of Rights 20 years later.
A devilish plot is afoot to impose new national taxes on the American People.
California Attorney General Kamala Harris has attracted a lot of media attention, and not just because, as the President says, "She...happens to be, by far, the best looking attorney general in the country." When she was still District Attorney in San Francisco, Harris made headlines by...
California Attorney General Kamala Harris has attracted a lot of media attention, and not just because, as the President says, "She...happens to be, by far, the best looking attorney general in the country." When she was still District Attorney in San Francisco, Harris made headlines by...
The "Balanced Budget Amendment" movement (Article V Convention) is an insidious plot to impose a new national tax!!
An amendment to replace the States' influence in the federal government since the 17th Amendment was adopted.
An amendment to replace the States' influence in the federal government since the 17th Amendment was adopted.
An amendment to replace the States' influence in the federal government since the 17th Amendment was adopted.
Tomorrow is the day we celebrate our nation's founding-and the first time that a nation was deliberately founded on reason and the rule of law instead of on accidents of history. The central question of this article is "how are the founding and related topics treated in today's academia?" It is a...
Tomorrow is the day we celebrate our nation's founding-and the first time that a nation was deliberately founded on reason and the rule of law instead of on accidents of history. The central question of this article is "how are the founding and related topics treated in today's academia?" It is a...
On March 23, 1775, Patrick Henry delivered one of the most important speeches in our country's history.
On March 23, 1775, Patrick Henry delivered one of the most important speeches in our country's history.
The term “Founding Fathers” of the United States includes many great and courageous and wisely forward-thinking men.
The term “Founding Fathers” of the United States includes many great and courageous and wisely forward-thinking men.
Timeline of Events Leading to the Revolutionary War and beyond to its conclusion, and through the anti-climatic birthing pains.
Timeline of Events Leading to the Revolutionary War and beyond to its conclusion, and through the anti-climatic birthing pains.
Original documents should play an important role in American history education. That's the approach from Roger Beckett, executive director of the Ashbrook Center at Ashland University. Beckett explained his preference for original historical documents over textbooks during a recent presentation...
Original documents should play an important role in American history education. That's the approach from Roger Beckett, executive director of the Ashbrook Center at Ashland University. Beckett explained his preference for original historical documents over textbooks during a recent presentation...
Right-leaning lawyers and legal analysts agree that the courts are a vital venue for preserving constitutional rights. But they note a surprising trend of conservative support for using judicial activism to achieve that aim rather than the traditional conservative deference to state and federal...
Right-leaning lawyers and legal analysts agree that the courts are a vital venue for preserving constitutional rights. But they note a surprising trend of conservative support for using judicial activism to achieve that aim rather than the traditional conservative deference to state and federal...
Mark Levin, who wrote an excellent book "The Liberty Amendments" to urge states to call for an Article V Convention to propose constitutional amendments to restore the federal government back to some sort of constitutional limits, calls Nullifiers "kooks."
Mark Levin, who wrote an excellent book "The Liberty Amendments" to urge states to call for an Article V Convention to propose constitutional amendments to restore the federal government back to some sort of constitutional limits, calls Nullifiers "kooks."
One recent Tuesday was Constitution Day - September 17. It marks the day that the Convention in Philadelphia in 1787 concluded and the final draft of Constitution was signed by the delegates who attended.
One recent Tuesday was Constitution Day - September 17. It marks the day that the Convention in Philadelphia in 1787 concluded and the final draft of Constitution was signed by the delegates who attended.
An education in law is meant to teach the law and legal reasoning. To learn basic skills is the aim of primary and secondary schooling. Yet here at Leiden Law (part of Leiden University, the Netherlands' oldest and most prestigious university), we are increasingly sacrificing the law to teach...
An education in law is meant to teach the law and legal reasoning. To learn basic skills is the aim of primary and secondary schooling. Yet here at Leiden Law (part of Leiden University, the Netherlands' oldest and most prestigious university), we are increasingly sacrificing the law to teach...
The government has no legitimate powers that were not initially granted to it under the Constitution.
The government has no legitimate powers that were not initially granted to it under the Constitution.
Nullification is the theory that says that actions of the federal government that are passed, imposed, or exercised in excess or abuse of the express authority granted in the Constitution are not enforceable.
Nullification is the theory that says that actions of the federal government that are passed, imposed, or exercised in excess or abuse of the express authority granted in the Constitution are not enforceable.
Considering that the foundation of government in our country is based on the Constitution, wouldn't it make more sense to teach lawyers how best to preserve its integrity rather than inspire them to help dismantle it?
Considering that the foundation of government in our country is based on the Constitution, wouldn't it make more sense to teach lawyers how best to preserve its integrity rather than inspire them to help dismantle it?
A year ago, Duke Cheston of the Pope Center criticized a class in political science at North Carolina State University. Because its presentation of the American political system was clearly biased, his story was titled "Evil Republicans 101." Now we have come across another section of the same...
A year ago, Duke Cheston of the Pope Center criticized a class in political science at North Carolina State University. Because its presentation of the American political system was clearly biased, his story was titled "Evil Republicans 101." Now we have come across another section of the same...
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